How to Make Mood Rings

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Things You'll Need

  • Letter beads

  • Decorative beads

  • Elastic thread

  • Scissors

  • Craft glue

How to Make Mood Rings. Mood rings first became popular in the 60's and 70's as part of the hippie culture. They contain liquid crystals, which change color as your body temperature changes. While getting your hands on liquid crystals to make a traditional mood ring is quite a chore, you can create your own unique mood rings which are probably far more accurate anyway.


Step 1

Purchase a number of letter beads at your local craft store. They are most commonly found in white blocks with black letters; however, occasionally you can find them in multiple colors as well as metal.

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Step 2

Get the letters for all of the mood rings you would like to create. Just remember that you only have only so much room on your finger, so don't choose long words such as "aggravated" or "excited."

Step 3

Pick up some additional decorative beads that will fill in the space around the words of your ring. These beads can be anything you like; however, they should have nice, smooth edges for comfort while wearing.

Step 4

Thread your words onto elastic thread and then add enough additional beads to fit your finger. Tie a firm knot in the elastic once your ring is large enough and then trim the excess. You can then gently pull the elastic thread to hide the knot inside of a letter bead and add a drop of glue for added strength.

Step 5

Create and design as many mood rings, and change them according to your mood to let the world know where you stand at any given time.


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