Topics for a Motivated Sequence Speech

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Motivate for success

Alan H. Monroe, a professor at Purdue University in the 1930s, is known for his development of the motivated sequence, a speech-writing strategy that is effective for topics intended to convince an audience to take a desired action. Monroe's steps are: get the audience's attention with your angle; address the need for change; provide a plan and solution; show visual points of how the issue affects the audience; and implement your plan. The motivated sequence is useful for topics of global issues, problems and solutions, and persuasion.


Global Speech Topics

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Motivated sequence speech topics with a global theme include food shortage, international threats and overpopulation; in this case, you present the problem and persuade your audience that there is a solution. Demonstrate a visual solution with statistics and facts, showing how your solution to food shortage, for example, is effective and will improve the situation. Discuss your awareness of controversies. Show how the alternatives will cause more problems. Motivate your audience to agree to your solution and change their policies.

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Problem-Solution Speech Topics

According to the Speech Topics Help website, "A simple way to find a topic for a motivational speech sequence is to summarize the bottom line of your persuasive public speaking speech in one powerful and clear sentence." For example, a problem-solution speech topic like "Sex Education In Schools Will Prevent Teenage Pregnancy" allows you to present the problem, its solution, and any visual aids, and to motivate your audience to take action.


Persuasive Speech Topics

The motivated speech sequence is effective for persuasive speech topics such as raising funds for a cause. State the problem your charity is trying to solve by describing how many are affected and why your audience should care. Provide testimonies confirming your charity's ability to help solve the problem. Demonstrate visually what will happen if your policy is, and is not, implemented. Tell your audience how they can take action.


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