How to Grow Bacillus Subtilis

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Things You'll Need

  • Petri dish

  • LB Agar

  • Bacillus subtilis sample

  • Cotton swab

  • Incubator

A petri dish filled with Agar provides a growing ground for the bacteria.

Bacillus subtilis when properly cultivated can save garden plants from destruction by disease. Bacillus subtilis is a naturally occurring bacteria. It is found on fruit trees and vegetable plants as well as on wild berry varieties in nature. This simply structured species has been proven to be an effective defense against root attacking pests and mildew on commercial farms. Bacillus subtilis is not harmful to most animals and is not a known carcinogen to humans. Caution should be used, however, as irritation to the skin and eyes may occur from exposure.


Step 1

Prepare a petri dish with LB Agar. Fill the petri dish about half-full and allow to gel at the manufacturer's recommended temperature.

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Step 2

Dip a cotton swab into the Bacillus subtilis starter or sample.

Step 3

Spread the Bacillus subtilis sample on the cotton swab across the prepared Petri dish. Swab in an "X" motion, pressing gently into the Agar.

Step 4

Set the temperature of an incubator between 30-35 degrees Celsius.


Step 5

Allow the Bacillus subtilis to grow for approximately four days undisturbed. When significant growth occurs, spread the new growth to additional prepared Petri dishes.


If an incubator is not available, find a spot where the temperature is high and consistent.


Do not place plastic Petri dishes onto heat sources. Ovens and burners will melt the dishes.


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