How to Stain After Applying Varathane

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Things You'll Need

  • Liquid deglosser

  • Clean rags

  • Stain

  • Paintbrush

Wood can easily be stained.

Varathane is a wood stain used on many different types of wood surfaces. It can give your wood the look of a professionally done finish without having to pay a professional. Varathane is applied over the wood with a paintbrush, just like any other type of stain is applied. After it has dried, it is possible to apply another coat of stain over the Varathane. While it is not common to add stain over Varathane, it can easily be done when necessary.


Step 1

Pour liquid deglosser into a small rag and wipe down the entire wood surface where the Varathane is located. Cover the Varathane with the deglosser, moving from side to side. Allow it 15 minutes to dry. This will prepare the surface for the stain.

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Step 2

Wipe off the deglosser with a clean rag after it has had 15 minutes to properly soak in.


Step 3

Open up a small can of stain and dip a paintbrush into the can. Spread out the stain over the entire surface of the wood, beginning on one side and working toward the other. Brush on the stain in smooth, even strokes, going with the grain of the wood. Cover the entire area with a first coat and let it dry for 15 minutes.


Step 4

Wipe down the stain with a clean rag in the direction of the stain of the wood. Wait 4 to 6 hours and apply a second coat of stain just like the first was applied. Brush it on, going with the grain of the wood, and cover the entire surface once again. Wait 8 hours for the second coat to completely dry.


Prestaining and sanding the wood is not necessary because you are applying stain over Varathane. Wear gloves to prevent getting stain on your hands.


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