How to Resurface a Fiberglass Sink

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Things You'll Need

  • Trisodium phosphate cleaner

  • Coarse nylon pad

  • Rags

  • Towels

  • 180-grit sandpaper

  • Professional painter's tape

  • Masking paper

  • Acrylic spray primer

  • Epoxy spray finish

Sand the fiberglass, or the new surface coating will eventually peel.

If your sink is worn or mismatched, a new surface coating can transform it into one that looks brand new. If the sink is made of water-proof fiberglass, employ specific prep strategies that will ready it for application. Fiberglass sinks require an acrylic base before they'll take on a new surface coating. Unfortunately, primer will not stick to fiberglass, because it is too slick. Scour the sink with sandpaper before you apply the base. This will generate a coarse area better suited for acrylic primer.


Prepare the Fiberglass

Step 1

Wash the sink, or it won't accept the fresh surface coating. Scour the fiberglass with trisodium phosphate, using a nylon pad.

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Step 2

Rinse the sink with rags. Unseen trisodium phosphate residue may inhibit adhesion. Thoroughly rinse the fiberglass, or the new surface coating won't stick.

Step 3

Dry the fiberglass with towels. Sand the sink to ready it for its new surface. Slick fiberglass won't accept new coatings; roughen the sink to improve its adhesive qualities.

Resurface the Sink

Step 1

Cover the adjacent countertop and nearby areas of the wall, using masking paper. Don't just lay the paper on these surfaces. Tape it down, so it can't blow free.


Step 2

Condition the sink to accept its new finish by coating it with an acrylic spray primer. Improper application methods will cause sagging. For neat results, hold the spray tip 8 inches from the fiberglass at all times. Let the sink dry for two hours.

Step 3

Add the new epoxy surface coating. Apply it just as you did the primer. Let the new surface dry for three hours before turning on the faucet.


Wear a respirator if you are resurfacing a bathroom sink.


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