How to Paint Cement Laundry Tubs

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Things You'll Need

  • Trisodium phosphate cleanser

  • Steel wool

  • Water hose

  • Rubber gloves

  • Krud Kutter Clean & Etch

  • Nylon pad

  • Canvas drop cloths

  • Professional painter's tape

  • Latex primer

  • Polyester paintbrush

  • Appliance epoxy paint

Laundry tubs are large reservoirs usually located in a garage or work area. Also known as utility sinks, these tubs are subject to a host of abrasive agents, including consistent water exposure and detergents. Cement tubs are difficult to paint, because the slick cement surface accepts paint poorly. Condition the tub with an etching agent that will roughen the cement and remove alkali salts. Once the laundry tub is prepared, finish it with an epoxy paint that will endure harsh conditions.


Step 1

Scrub the cement laundry tub with trisodium phosphate cleanser, using steel wool. Rinse the laundry tub with a water hose. Let the tub dry for three to four hours.

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Step 2

Wear protective gloves. Spread the Krud Kutter solution over the cement laundry tub with a nylon pad. Let the cement laundry tub sit for an hour. Rinse the tub with the hose. Let the tub dry for three to four hours.

Step 3

Cover each area of the cement laundry tub that is to remain unpainted with painter's tape. Cover the area below the laundry tub with canvas drop cloths.

Step 4

Coat the cement laundry tub with latex primer, using a polyester brush. Watch carefully for runs along the reservoir. Smooth these with the brush before they have a chance to dry. Let the tub dry for two hours.


Step 5

Rinse the primer from the brush with the hose.

Step 6

Finish the cement laundry tub with appliance epoxy paint, using the polyester brush. Watch carefully for runs along the reservoir. Smooth these with the brush before they have a chance to dry. Let the tub dry for two hours.


Krud Kutter is ideal for etching laundry tub reservoirs. If you choose another brand of etching solution, study the labeling to ensure it possesses the same abilities.

You may also prime and paint your cement laundry tub with a nylon brush. Nylon brushes hold more paint, but may leave subtle flaws in your finish.


Don't finish a cement laundry tub with latex paint, as water will eventually cause this type of paint to wear.


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