How to Stop Raccoons From Defecating in the Pool

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Raccoons are a common pest that invades garbage cans, attics, cellars, even swimming pools. Though raccoons are cute and sometimes fun to watch, they can become vicious when agitated and spread diseases and parasites. Food left outside will often attract raccoons as will open garbage containers. Another attraction for some raccoons is a swimming pool. Raccoons may visit your pool simply to drink, while others may actually enjoy swimming in it. If raccoons begin to visit your pool regularly, you are likely to find feces in and around the pool. The only way to stop raccoons from defecating in your pool is to remove them or discourage them from visiting.


Although very cute, raccoons can make quiet a mess in your pool.

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Things You'll Need

  • Live Traps

  • Pool Cover

Step 1

Place a pool cover on the pool. This seems like an obvious solution, but many pool owners rarely cover their pools during the summer. With free access to the water all the time, raccoons will enjoy your pool almost as much as you do. Pull the pool cover over the pool whenever you are not using the pool or are not close by.


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Step 2

Pick up any pet food left outside. Raccoons are notorious for raiding pet food dishes left outside on patios and carports. If you have pets and regularly leave food for them outside, stop doing so or make sure you always pick it up at night. This goes double if you are leaving pet food outside anywhere near your pool.


Step 3

Remove any bird or squirrel feeders near the pool. Raccoons will eat all the seeds and corn you leave outside for birds and squirrels if they find it. Having a feeder close to your pool puts you at risk for unwanted masked swimming guests. Take down the feeders or simply leave them empty until you solve the raccoon problem.


Step 4

Trap the raccoons. Place live traps around the edges of the pool. Bait the traps with pet food, peanut butter or just about any other food. Check the traps regularly to see if you have captured any raccoons. Relocate the raccoons to a wooded area far away (several miles) from your home. Be careful when releasing the raccoons, as they will be stressed and angry.


Step 5

Call animal control or a local wildlife trapper. Your town's animal control department probably has a lot more experience in catching raccoons than you do. Even if you have your own traps, consider letting a professional handle the job. Some exterminators will also trap raccoons and release them elsewhere without causing them harm.

