How to Reduce Heat From Skylights

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Skylights save on energy costs.

A skylight is essentially a window placed in your roof. You might choose a skylight for your home to increase the amount of light--or to reduce your winter heating bills. Skylights are also attractive features that open up the room from a visual perspective. The light and natural heat that skylights provide, however, are too much of a good thing at times. Consider reducing the heat from a skylight, either before installing the window, or after the fixture is already in your home.


Step 1

Install a window covering on your skylight to reduce unwanted heat. Custom-designed window shades and blinds can be fitted to your skylight to block the sun's intense rays. Window coverings also block the light, which can defeat the purpose of your skylight if you've built it to light a dark room.

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Step 2

Reduce potential overheating from a skylight by choosing its location carefully. According to the California Energy Commission, skylights in west-facing sections of a roof produce large quantities of afternoon heat that may be overpowering. Inserting your skylight in a north- or south-facing area of your roof allows light without too much heat.


Step 3

Open the skylight to reduce the heat. Not all skylights open, but some are made just like a window that opens and closes. The hot air that's trapped near the ceiling will escape from your home, and you'll still have the benefit of natural light.


Energy Star-certified skylights help you reap the benefits of natural light and additional heat without the overpowering stuffiness. The window component of an Energy Star-certified product blocks solar heat in the summer, so your air conditioner won't have to work overtime.

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