How to Use Coffee for an Air Freshener

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Things You'll Need

  • Light-weight breathable fabric such as cotton (one square big enough to cover the opening of the mixing bowl per air freshener)

  • Large mixing bowl

  • Tailor's chalk

  • Scissors

  • Ribbon

  • Drinking cup

  • 1/3 cup measuring cup

  • Coffee grounds

For many, the aromatic smell of fresh coffee grounds is the only smell to start the day with. Fill your car, your home or even your closets with that wonderful aroma by making your own air fresheners with coffee and decorative cotton fabric. In just a few minutes you can make an air freshener and carry that scent with you wherever you go. You can even stow one of the air fresheners on your desk at work.


Step 1

Place the piece of fabric on your work surface face down. Place the mixing bowl on top of the fabric upside down. Trace the opening of the mixing bowl onto the fabric with tailors chalk. Cut the circle of fabric out with scissors.

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Step 2

Cut a 12-inch length of ribbon. Set the ribbon aside somewhere within arm's reach.


Step 3

Place the circle of fabric face down centered over the top of the drinking cup. Gently push the center of the circle down into the cup.

Step 4

Scoop 1/3 cup of coffee grounds onto the fabric circle where it is pushed down into the cup. Gather the sides of the fabric circle up around the grounds so they are trapped inside.


Step 5

Twist the gathered sides twice as close to the grounds as possible. Tie the ribbon in a decorative bow around the gathered fabric to secure it in place.


Place the air freshener in drawers for linens or clothing you want to absorb that aroma. Tie a loop of ribbon around the first piece of ribbon and hang the air freshener from the rear view mirror of your car from a coffee-scented ride. Place three or five of these coffee-scented balls in a vase for a delicious smelling room.


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