Things You'll Need
Stockpot--6 qt. or larger
Cooking oil
Candy thermometer
Slotted spoon

Deep frying is a simple method for creating tasty treats. Purchasing a deep fryer can be costly, especially if you do not plan on using it very often. It is simple to create a homemade deep fryer with only a few household items. This is an advantage if you don't have space to spare for new cooking appliances. Ultimately, making your own homemade deep fryer is a budget-friendly and practical alternative to buying an electric deep fryer.
Homemade Deep Fryer
Step 1
Fill the stockpot with cooking oil, two inches deep to halfway full.
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Step 2
Attach the candy thermometer to the stockpot. Make sure the tip of the thermometer is submerged in the cooking oil.
Step 3
Place the stockpot on the stove burner over medium/high heat.
Step 4
Begin deep frying when the oil temperature has reached 375 F. Maintain the temperature by increasing the heat gradually as you add food.
Step 5
Scoop out the food with the slotted spoon when done.
Use a cooking oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, grapeseed, or peanut oil.
Do not leave the fryer unattended while in use.
Do not let the oil temperature increase above 375 F. Cooking oil begins to burn at 400 F.
Allow the oil to cool completely before cleaning out the stockpot.
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