Things You'll Need
Tape measure

Swimming pools use a variety of hoses for operation. Hoses are required for water to be moved from the pool through the filtration unit, returned to the pool after it is filtered as well as for vacuuming the pool. When a hose collapses, proper filtration is interrupted, resulting in cloudy, unfiltered pool water. Until the problem causing the hoses to a swimming pool to collapse is determined and solved, monitor the hose and turn off the pump when the hose cannot be monitored to avoid permanent damage to the pump.
Step 1
Inspect the hose for signs of damage such as a bend, fold or crimp. Replace the hose if there are signs of damage.
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Step 2
Measure the diameter of each hose or pipe leading to the pool pump.
Step 3
Calculate the maximum flow rate for the plumbing system. For each 1 1/2-inch line, add 42 gallons per minute (GPM). For each 2-inch line, add 73 GPM. For each 2 ½-inch line, add 120 GPM. For each 3-inch line add 160 GPM. The result will be the maximum flow rate the system can handle.
Step 4
Determine the maximum flow rate for the currently installed pump with information from the owner's manual or consult a pool pump supplier. If the maximum flow rate of the pump exceeds the maximum flow rate for the plumbing supply lines, the pump is too large for the plumbing system in the pool. This results in too much suction that is causing the hose to collapse.
Use hoses for pools that are specifically designed for pools that are ribbed or have reinforcing metal within the hose to prevent collapse from suction.
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