Things You'll Need
Clear liquid resin kit
Plastic or paper cups
Popsicle sticks
Face mask

Liquid resin is a modeling material widely available from craft and hobby stores. It comes in a pair of bottles that, when mixed together, form a viscous liquid. This liquid is then poured into a mold and proceeds to harden within minutes or hours. One creative use of resin is to preserve real flowers in an acrylic resin ornament.
Step 1
Spread layers of newspaper over the work surface in a well ventilated place that is not accessible to pets or children. Put on a face mask, goggles and gloves.
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Step 2
Pour some of the liquid resin from one of the bottles into a small paper or plastic cup. The amount will depend on the volume your mold.
Step 3
Pour an equal measure of liquid from the second bottle into a separate cup.
Step 4
Pour the contents of both cups into a third, larger cup. Mix this concoction thoroughly with a Popsicle stick for a full minute.
Step 5
Pour some of the mixed acrylic into the mold until it is half full.
Step 6
Gently press a flower, with its petals pointing down, into the mixture. Most of the flower should remain exposed at this point.
Step 7
Pour more of the liquid resin into the mold around the flower. Cover the flower completely but do not fill the mold all the way up to the lip.
Step 8
Balance a weighted Popsicle stick across the top of the mold over the flower. The flower might try to bob up out of the mixture, particularly if the resin takes a long time to harden. This will keep it in place.
Step 9
Let the resin harden. The time this takes depends on the brand, thickness of the mold and other factors. Check the packaging for an accurate estimate.
Step 10
When the piece is hard, pop it out of the mold and flip it over.
Some resins may require the use of a mold release. This is a brush- or spray-on liquid that you put on the mold before pouring the resin in. It ensures that the resin will come away from the mold easily when the piece hardens.
Uncured resin is toxic. Do not inhale it or touch it with bare skin.
Make sure that the resin will be transparent when it hardens. Stores sell many different colors, along with dyes, and some are opaque when they harden.
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