How to Cut Bead Board

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Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Work table

  • Clamps

  • Circular saw

  • Sandpaper, 200 grit

Beadboard is a type of wood paneling that can be used on walls, ceilings, cabinets and furniture as a decorative accent. Beadboard differs from other types of wood paneling due to its distinctive vertical grooves. This paneling can be made of wood, wood veneer or medium-density fiberboard, which is also known as MDF. The thickness of beadboard panels varies between 1/8 inch and 1 inch. These thin panels can be cut easily with an electric circular saw.


Step 1

Measure the beadboard carefully and mark the board with a pencil along the line to be cut. The old saying "Measure twice, cut once" is a good rule to follow and will help you avoid making costly mistakes.

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Step 2

Arrange the beadboard so that the area to be cut is hanging off the end of your work table with the back of the beadboard facing up. The side of the board facing up may develop a rough edge during cutting, so you want this rough edge on the back of the board where it will not be seen.

Step 3

Secure the beadboard to the table with a few clamps to hold it in place.

Step 4

Turn the circular saw on, and slowly cut the beadboard using the line you drew earlier as a guide. Do not force the saw through the wood; just use enough pressure to gently guide the saw as it cuts.

Step 5

Sand away any rough edges along the cut edge of the beadboard with 200-grit sandpaper.


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