How to Install Laminate Flooring Over Ceramic Tile

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Things You'll Need

  • Laminate flooring

  • Moisture barrier

  • Padding

  • Saw

  • Pry bar

  • Hammer

  • Block of wood

  • Tile spacers

  • Duct tape

  • Epoxy

Laminate flooring can give your home the look and feel of real wood flooring without the cost of hardwood. It's also durable and relatively inexpensive and cleans easily. If you're looking for a quick home upgrade, installing laminate flooring over an existing ceramic tile is a project that just about any DIYer can handle.


Step 1

Ensure that the ceramic tile floor is level and free of cracks. If needed, you can use epoxy to fill in gaps in the tile. However, this is also evidence that there could be problems with your subfloor. You might want to consult with a professional before continuing.

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Step 2

Roll out the moisture barrier. Tape the pieces together with duct tape where necessary.


Step 3

Roll out the padding on top of the moisture barrier. Again, tape pieces together with duct tape.

Step 4

Cut one of the laminate flooring pieces in half. Set this in the corner of the room, about 1/8 inch from the wall. You can use tile spacers to help maintain this distance.


Step 5

Lay another piece of laminate against the first, alongside the short end. Use spacers to keep this laminate square in line with the first. Snap the pieces of tile together. Put a small block of wood against the top of the new laminate piece, opposite of the end connected to the corner piece. Gently tap a hammer on this block to ensure the two laminate pieces are tightly fitted together.


Step 6

Repeat this process until you get to the other corner. Measure and cut this laminate piece. You will have to slip this into place with a pry bar.

Step 7

Start the next row with an uncut piece of laminate. This will give the floor a staggered look. You will also have to tap this row into the row next to it with the block of wood and the hammer to ensure a good fit.


Step 8

Repeat laying the rows until the entire room is finished.

Step 9

Cut and measure baseboard molding for along the floor. This will hold the laminate in place and also cover up the gap between the flooring and the wall. Remove the tile spacers before nailing the molding in place.


Make sure you have enough laminate for the job. Give yourself about a 10 percent overage factor. For example, if your flooring is covering 100 square feet, buy enough laminate to cover 110 square feet. This will also give you extra in case you need to make any repairs.


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