How to Paint an Aluminum Roof

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Things You'll Need

  • Aluminum roof paint

  • Oil-based metal primer

  • A broom

  • Half-gallon detergent

  • Water bucket

  • A scrubber

  • Glass reinforcing fabric as needed

  • Paint brush

  • Paint roller

  • Paint sprayer

Aluminum roofing is very popular because it offers many advantages. Not only is it affordable, but aluminum roofing is also long lasting and environmentally friendly. And one of the greatest advantages of aluminum roofing is its energy-efficient quality. If you have an aluminum roof or are considering installing one, keep in mind the importance of maintaining your roof properly: a good coat of paint goes a long way in extending the life of any quality aluminum roof.


Step 1

Buy aluminum roof paint and oil-based metal primer from the local hardware store. The paint must be oil based and specific to aluminum roofs.

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Step 2

Sweep the whole roof with a broom. Remove any debris and clear the dust.


Step 3

Prepare cleaning solution. Mix three gallons of water with half a gallon of detergent in a small bucket.

Step 4

Scrub the roof with the cleaning solution and a scrubber thoroughly.

Step 5

If there are any cracks or damages on the roof, repair them by applying glass reinforcing fabric, which can also be found at your local hardware store.


Step 6

Let the roof dry after scrubbing and repair, for a minimum of two days.

Step 7

Apply oil-based metal primer on the roof. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines of how to apply this primer.


Step 8

Let the primer dry for a minimum of three days.

Step 9

Apply an aluminum paint following the directions of the manufacturer. Apply a single coat with a soft brush. You can also use a paint roller or spray equipment, if the roof is very large.


Always follow the directions of the paint manufacturer. Always follow the directions of the primer manufacturer. Stir the paint thoroughly before and during the applications for better results. Do not dilute the paint unless advised in the directions.


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