How to Install Acoustic Foam

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Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Acoustic foam

  • Electric carving knife

  • Utility knife or hand saw

  • Tubetak or Foamtak

  • Cardboard sheets or wall paneling

  • Small tack hammer

  • Tacks

  • Dust mask

  • Safety goggles

You've probably noticed that when you are in an empty room, void of furniture and carpeting, your voice tends to echo more than in a room full of both of those items. Acoustic foam is foam resembling an egg-crate used in recording studios to absorb sound, cause less echoes and background noise, and keeps sounds contained into one area.


Step 1

Measure the dimensions of the room in which you will be installing the acoustic foam. You do not have to cover the ceiling with acoustic foam, however it will make the area more soundproof. Measure the height and length of each wall, account for windows and doors.

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Step 2

Unroll the strips of acoustic foam, or unwrap the panels of acoustic foam from their package. To achieve a permanent yet transportable soundproofing we will be attaching all the acoustic foam to cardboard or wood paneling, so that it can be attached permanently to the wall, but is able to be moved if a relocation is needed.


Step 3

Begin to cut the acoustic foam and cardboard or wood paneling to coincide. Cut the acoustic foam with the electric carving knife; this makes the foam easier to cut and easier to handle, you can even cut it into specific shapes as needed. Be sure to wear your safety goggles and dust mask to prevent particles of the foam from getting into your eyes or airways. Cut the cardboard or wood paneling with an utility knife or hand saw.


Step 4

Attach the acoustic foam to the cardboard or wood paneling using the Tubetak or Foamtak glues. Both types of glues are intended specifically for use with foam products, especially in soundproofing applications. You will need to use a generous amount of the glue to attach the foam. Apply the glue to the entire back of the acoustic foam, rather than just along the edges, this will keep the foam from sagging later on.


Step 5

Allow the glue to dry for a couple of hours before beginning to place the assembled pieces on the wall.

Step 6

Use tacks to nail the assembled pieces onto the wall. Tack only around the edges so that the tacks are easily found if you find yourself needing to remove them one day. Start at the top or bottom corner of a wall when attaching the pieces, if you reach a corner and need a smaller piece just use the utility knife and electric carving knife to cut the pieces down to size.


Step 7

Test your room's soundproofing. Inside the room with all the doors and windows closed you shouldn't be able to hear much noise at all from other rooms, and noises and sounds created inside your soundproofed room should not be heard easily in other rooms.


You may also choose to attach paneling to the inside of a door; this will make a room all the more soundproof.


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