How to Make Fake Dirt for Floral Arrangements

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Things You'll Need

  • Styrofoam

  • Coffee grounds

  • Glue

  • Pot

  • Silk flowers

  • Paper towels

  • Newspaper

  • Chocolate roses

  • Strawberry

Budget-friendly crafts are a creative way to save money and decorate a space. Adults and kids alike will enjoy making simple, aromatic floral arrangements with "dirt" made from edible chocolate and coffee.

Step 1

Set a flower pot on a table covered with newspapers. Put a piece of Styrofoam into the pot. The size of the Styrofoam depends on how many flowers you have, and how much "dirt" you want to be visible. Use a taller piece of Styrofoam for more dirt to show; it should be less than 2 inches from the top of the pot.


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Step 2

Cover the top of the Styrofoam with Elmer's glue. Use paper towels to smear the glue, if necessary.

Step 3

Push chocolate roses into the Styrofoam by the stems.

Step 4

Pour coffee grounds into the pot. Make sure all of the glue is covered with the grounds.

Step 5

Cover pieces of strawberries with powdered sugar. Place them on the dirt to create a snow-covered effect.


Only use enough coffee grounds to cover the glue; only the top layer will stick.

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