How to Create a Foil Tent for Cooking Turkey

How to Create a Foil Tent for Cooking Turkey. The most beautiful centerpiece for your Thanksgiving meal is, of course, the turkey. However, an undercooked or overcooked turkey can ruin not only your Thanksgiving display, but also your Thanksgiving dinner. To ensure a golden brown turkey every time, you must learn how to create a foil tent.

Cook your turkey in the oven until it has about an hour left to bake. The skin should be a nice golden brown, just a little lighter than you want.

Use a roll of heavy duty aluminum foil to begin making your tent.

Cut a piece of foil the length of the pan. Fold it in half and make a crease.

Lay the foil over the turkey, leaving one inch between the top of the turkey and the foil.

Refrain from sealing the edges of the foil to the pan. The tent must allow air to circulate or else the turkey will steam instead of roast.

Place the turkey back in the oven for about an hour. Leave the foil tent on until your turkey has finished cooking.