How to Drill Into Metal Window Frames to Hang Curtains

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Things You'll Need

  • Marker

  • Center punch

  • Hammer

  • Hand drill and drill bits

The process of hanging curtains is usually straightforward and it requires a few tools, such as a drill with drill bits. The blunt tips on the drill bits can create holes in relatively soft surfaces, like wood, but cause the bits to spin fruitlessly on metal surfaces. This problem creates a few extra steps when you have to hang curtains on a wall containing a metal frame. However, you can complete the additional requirements in a short amount of time and have your curtains hung in less than one hour.


Step 1

Place the curtain rod against the window frame to determine the appropriate position and height for hanging. Mark the location for the mounting hardware on the metal frame at each end of the rod. Use a marker. Remove the curtain rod.

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Step 2

Place a curtain rod hook against the window frame at the point where you made the mark. Pass the tip of the marker through the holes on the hook to mark locations for screws.

Step 3

Push the tip of the center punch against one of the marks for screws. Tap the blunt end of the center punch with a hammer to create a hole in the frame. Repeat this step to create holes on the marks for other screws.

Step 4

Attach a drill bit to the hand drill. Use a bit slightly bigger than the tip of the center punch. Drill into the holes you created with the punch. Remove the small bit and attach a bit of the same size as the screws you wish to use. Drill into the holes again to make them bigger.


Step 5

Place the hook against the frame and align it with the holes. Attach the hook to the frame with screws.

Step 6

Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for the second curtain rod hook. Thread the curtain rod through the curtain pocket. Place the rod on the hooks.


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