Sealed Bearings Vs. Non Sealed Bearings

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To ensure that you will make the right decision, it's important to consider the construction of a ball bearing, and how it influences the overall performance of the device. Familiarize yourself with sealed and non-sealed bearings, so that you know which is best for any given situation.


Non Sealed/Open Bearings

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They are the easiest to find; however, this design has nothing that protects its moving parts.

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Sealed Bearings

This type has a seal around the moving parts, which is usually made from rubber or metal.


It is more difficult to clean a sealed bearing, but it has to be done less frequently than with an open bearing.


A sealed bearing is self-enclosed; not only does the seal lock out debris, but it also keeps lubrication trapped inside. Open face bearings require a lot more maintenance if they are going to last a long time.



While a sealed bearing may endure, an open face bearing experiences the least friction when clean, providing superior speed at the cost of vulnerability.


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