Muslim Engagement Gifts

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Giving the couple a holy Quran reminds them of the religious, lifetime journey they are starting together.

Whether you are giving a gift to either a Muslim co-worker or friend who is engaged, there are many to choose from that will enhance the religious health of the home and marriage. When buying a Muslim engagement gift, take into consideration if the couple are deeply religious, the space they will be living in and their personal tastes. Almost any gift is appropriate for a Muslim couple, as they are like the general population in many ways. However, religious gifts help highlight and strengthen the bond the couple has with each other.


Religious Gifts

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Religious gifts extend from Islamic calendars, day-planners and bookmarks to books about having a holy marriage. Marriage is a lifelong journey and a helpful text can provide a positive beginning. There are separate books written specifically for the husband and the wife; "The Muslim Marriage Guide" by Ruqqayah Waris Maqsood is appropriate for either men or women.


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Gifts of Art

A gift of artwork can adorn the couple's future home, as well as serve as a reminder of important Islamic teachings or events. Whether the art depicts a religious scene or a landscape, keep in mind the personal tastes of the recipients when making your selection. Give the couple an indoor or outdoor statue if you know what can fit into their future home.


Home Decor

Gifts of home decor allow the new couple to remember the giver's thoughtfulness often. Candles, photo frames or a crystal sculpture engraved with an Islamic verse are appropriate. Crafters and woodworkers can create a unique keepsake for the couple to enjoy in their new household, anything from a knitted afghan to a carved wooden box. Again, keep in mind the recipients' personal tastes.



Give the couple a nice Quran with a wooden stand, something they can proudly display in their home and pass down to their children. Unlike a Quran used on a daily basis, this gift should be very ornate and decorative, to be exhibited as a proud symbol of their devotion to both Islam and each other. The stand allows it to be opened to a page of importance. An optional inscription on the front flap can refer to the couple's life journey or contain a helpful verse. If you do not feel right about writing in the Quran, slip a card inside with the inscription.


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