Birthday Club Ideas

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Start a birthday club at your workplace, in your neighborhood or in your religious group.

If you have friends and family members who celebrate birthdays during the same month, then consider organizing a "Birthday Club" to make sure everyone feels loved and special on their big day. A birthday club can be an informal network of people who are committed to spreading birthday cheer for all members involved. Be creative, and keep it simple.


Work Birthday Clubs

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Organize a birthday club for your co-workers. Ask twenty people to contribute $25 per person. The fee will go toward providing a cake and office party (during the lunch break, of course) once a month. Get co-workers to sign a birthday card for each birthday person during each month. Extra funds can go toward small gag gifts for the birthday people each month.


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Neighborhood Birthday Clubs

Gather your neighbors together for a neighborhood potluck once a month. Every neighbor brings a dish to share. At the potluck, you can celebrate all the neighbors whose birthdays fall within that particular month. You may want to ask neighbors to chip in for a small gift for the birthday people or to buy a sheet cake to share with everyone.


Religious Group Birthday Clubs

Motivate your religious group -- such as a youth group at a church or synagogue -- with a service birthday club. Once a month celebrate the birthdays of those in the youth group with a service activity that benefits the vulnerable in your community. Volunteering is an effective bonding experience for those involved. Consider helping at a local food pantry, serve a meal to the homeless or visit with elderly residents. In all of these activities, participants will be gaining wisdom and appreciation for the gift of life.

