Common Cornfield Spiders

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Spiders are common to cornfields

Most cornfield spiders are considered beneficial by preying on insects that damage corn crops. A report from Ohio State University identifies 33 types of spiders from nine families that were found in a four-acre plot of sweet corn in July of 1935.


Crab Spider

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Crab Spider

The crab spider utilizes its front legs extensively and uses a sideways crawling movement. Considered an ambush spider, crab spiders wait patiently on corn plant leaves, quickly lunging for prey and injecting venom with their bite. The venom is not powerful enough to harm larger animals or humans, but is quite effective on insects. Some crab spiders can change colors to adapt to their environment. They are easy prey for larger insects and animals since they spend much of their time in one place waiting for a meal.

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Writing Spider

The writing spider is also known as a corn spider.

Writing spiders create thick, intricate bands of silk in the central part of each web that resemble handwriting or script. The webs of this spider are elaborate and large, often stretching across several corn plants and measuring in feet, not inches. Female are normally three times larger than males, measuring 19 to 28 millimeters.


Jumping Spider

Jumping spiders are common in the U.S.

There are several hundred species of jumping spiders in the U.S. They have thousands of small hairs on their legs and feet that enable them to quickly climb and traverse virtually any terrain or plant. This is an inquisitive, active and accurate hunter. These spiders average two to 12 millimeters in length and come in a variety of colors.


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