Ideas for Honoring Veterans at Church

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Young man in wheelchair shaking hand of veteran in wheelchair.
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Church services can honor the brave men and women who have protected their country with their time in the armed services. Consider ways your church can show honor and respect to your community of veterans.


Special Service

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Paster giving sermon in church.
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Churches can have a special service honoring military veterans. Invite the community to a time of reflection and thanks. Include songs of a patriotic and religious nature such as "God Bless America." The sermon should include a theme of thankfulness to God for protection and freedom, as well as a thankfulness to the servicemen and women. Special gifts may be given to veterans who attend the service. A special book or thank-you notes created by the church Sunday-school students make appropriate gifts.


Video of the Day


Reception dinner.
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Hold a reception for military veterans at the church. Ask families in the church to provide a dish for the event. Decorate the fellowship hall with U.S. flags, and use red, white and blue tablecloths. Have a cake for dessert, with "Thank you" written on the top, along with some red, white and blue flowers to decorate. Include a prayer for the food and add a blessing for all veterans.


Veterans Wall

Older veteran showing son pictures and memorabilia of veterans
Image Credit: Jack Hollingsworth/Blend Images/Getty Images

Create a veterans wall in your church foyer. Hang framed pictures of all the servicemen and women who attend the church, as well as past members. Include other memorabilia of nostalgic or historical significance such as letters veterans have written to the church, or newspaper clippings about veterans who are in the church or family members of those in the church.


Financial Support

Basket of vegetables
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A church can honor veterans by giving financial support to them and their families. Establish a scholarship for veterans and their families. Ask church members for financial contributions to a scholarship fund for vets or for the children of military veterans. Deliver food baskets to vets and their families as another way to honor them.

