Creative Prayer Breakfast Ideas

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Churches hold prayer breakfasts as a way to encourage members to start their day off right. In addition to a healthy breakfast, you also offer participants a healthy dose of spirituality. Use creative prayer breakfast ideas to encourage members of the church, as well as others in the community, to take part in the event. Treat everyone to a hearty breakfast, motivational speakers and a free gift.


BYO Breakfast

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Host a bring your own breakfast event, where you ask participants to bring a dish or food to share with the group. Pick a specific type of menu and divide the menu into different foods. For example, host a pancake breakfast and ask guests to bring pancakes, syrup or other toppings, orange juice and other drinks. Ask guests to donate paper plates, cups and utensils for the prayer breakfast. Or, simply ask guests to bring their favorite breakfast dish to share. Turn the breakfast into a potluck, by arranging the dishes on a long table or buffet.

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Community-Wide Event

Open the prayer breakfast up to a wider audience, by inviting the community to the event. Decide on your menu ahead of time and ask for volunteers from the church to help with the cooking. Church members make the dishes the morning of the breakfast, serving hot dishes to guests. You can even turn the event into a church fundraiser, by asking guests to donate a small amount to attend the prayer breakfast.


Guest Speakers

Arrange for a series of guest speakers to talk during the prayer breakfast. The first speaker should be the chaplain or leader of your church. The speaker welcomes guests to the event and gives the first prayer of the day. Ask other speakers to give a short lecture or speech during the festivities, on the importance of devotion throughout the day. Offer a few motivational speeches, too, describing the connection between devotion and motivation.


Devotional Gifts

Treat each guest to a small devotional gift, such as a bookmark for their Bible. Make your own bookmarks, using a computer software program. Display a devotional image on the front, like a small cross. Superimpose a scripture on top of the image, using one mentioned during the prayer breakfast. Include the name of the event, the location and the time of the breakfast on the bottom of the bookmark. Each time the individual looks at it, it's a reminder of the breakfast.

