Height & Width of an Orange Tree

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Oranges from a branch in an orange grove.
Image Credit: sripfoto/iStock/Getty Images

Orange trees are beautiful and fragrant, and best of all, they yield delicious and healthy fruit. To cultivate them so they thrive, you need to know as much about them as possible, including their potential size. That way, you leave enough space for them in your garden or yard. The truth is that there are many types of orange trees, and the average tree width and height for each varies.


Average Height and Width of Orange Trees

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On average, a typical or standard type of orange tree will grow to be about 25 to 30 feet tall. To put that into perspective, that's the height of a two-story home. The average width of an orange tree is about the same: 25 to 30 feet at its widest point. A fully mature orange tree will usually yield between 200 and 350 oranges per harvest depending on its exact size. That can make about 100 cups of orange juice.


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Different types of orange trees may be significantly smaller. For example, the orange dwarf tree is much smaller than a standard orange tree. It grows between 8 and 12 feet in height and width at its widest point. In contrast, the Valencia orange tree size is on the larger side. They often grow over 30 feet tall and up to 30 feet wide.


If you want a particular type of sweet orange but don't want a giant tree, many varieties are available on dwarf roots. That way, you get the delicious sweetness in a small orange tree.

Ideal Growing Conditions for Orange Trees

Knowing how big to expect your tree to grow allows you to plant it in a place that provides it with enough room to grow. However, much more goes into successful orange tree cultivation. Orange trees are highly temperamental when it comes to temperature. They need warm climates with averages between 55 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit and cool winters where they can lie dormant between 35 and 50 degrees. Oranges grow best in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11; you can find these zones in the South.


In addition to temperature constraints, orange trees need plenty of rain to grow optimally, ideally around 45 inches annually. However, they need well-drained soil since their roots are prone to root rot if they sit in water. They need deep, sandy soil with a low water table. As you might expect, this bright orange plant needs plenty of bright sunlight to thrive, so plant your orange trees in full sun.


How to Plant Orange Trees

Because they grow so large, standard orange trees are a lot of work for most home gardeners. What's more, it can be hard to consume that enormous yield. If you want to plant an orange tree in your yard, most experts recommend going with a dwarf breed or a small orange tree engineered not to grow too large. Still, you will want to ensure that the small plant has plenty of room to spread out, both above and below the ground.


Perhaps most importantly, select a spot in full sunlight, as your tree needs as much sunshine as possible. Keep the soil around the tree moist but never soaked or dry. Most orange trees aren't picky about the soil acidity (pH), but they don't like salt, so if you have salty soil, you will want to treat it. It can take three to five years for an orange tree to produce fruit, so be patient and provide ideal conditions for your tree to thrive.

