How to Use Milorganite With a Weed & Feed

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Milorganite is an all-natural nitrogen fertilizer processed in Milwaukee, WI. It is gentle on the lawn and will not burn it, even if you apply too much. Due to its gentle nature, milorganite is safe to use with other weed and feed fertilizers. Only use weed and feed fertilizer if you have a widespread weed problem in your lawn. Use spot liquid spray spot treatments if you only have a few problem weeds.


Step 1

Pour milorganite into your broadcast spreader. Set the spreading rate to the manufacturer's indicated rate. Push the spreader back and forth over the entire lawn. Go over the lawn a second time if indicated in the rate directions.

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Step 2

Remove any milorganite left in the broadcast spreader with a plastic cup. Place it back in the bag. Seal the bag and store it somewhere inaccessible to children and pets.

Step 3

Pour the weed and feed into the broadcast spreader. Set the spreading rate to 1-lb. nitrogen per 1,000 feet, or as indicated by the manufacturer. Push the spreader back and forth over the entire lawn.


Apply weed and feed and milorganite in the spring, after you have cut the grass three times.

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