How to Tell If a Mango Is Overripe?

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The mango has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. The mango goes on trees which reach heights of 60 feet. This tropical fruit is oval shaped and there are over 1,000 varieties of the fruit. Mangos contain vitamins A and C and potassium. A green mango is not ready to eat but once the skin turns red or orange the mango is ripe and juicy. Over-ripe fruit will be mushy and sour so it is important to know when the fruit is good to eat.


Step 1

Grip the mango with your fingers at the top of the fruit, near where the stem is.

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Step 2

Press the fruit slightly. If the fruit gives a little then it is good to eat. If your squeeze pierces the fruit then it is too ripe.


Step 3

Examine the fruits outer skin. If the skin is brown, bubbly or looks rotten it is no good. Premium mangoes are red, orange or maybe slightly green.


Step 4

Slice open the mango to look inside. If the insides of the fruit is squishy to the touch it is overripe.


Step 5

Sniff the mango. If fruit smells cloyingly sweet it is overripe.

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