Things You'll Need
Speed Stick brand deodorant
Paper towels
Green soap

It is important to have a tattoo stencil stick to the skin in order to complete the work as it originally appeared during the design process. Tattoo stencils allow a tattoo artist to have an outline of what he or she is tattooing on a client. By applying deodorant to the skin before applying the stencil, you can ensure that the design will stay intact throughout the entire tattoo process.
Step 1
Clean the area of skin that you are going to apply the stencil to with green soap. Green soap can be found at any tattoo supply retailer.
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Step 2
Shave the area you are planning on tattooing with a razor. Dry off the area with paper towels once you have completely cleared the hair from the tattoo site.
Step 3
Apply the roll-on Speed Stick brand (or generic equivalent) deodorant to the shaved area of skin. Be sure to cover the entire area, so that all parts of the stencil drawing will come in contact with the deodorant. Speed Stick is recommended because the ingredients in this particular type of deodorant trap the ink from the stencil in the skin's pours, making it stay in place for the duration of the tattooing process.
Step 4
Apply the stencil to the skin carefully. The stencil should be face down, so that the ink comes in contact with the skin. Use the palms of your hands, then your fingertips, to apply pressure to the stencil and skin. Be careful not to stretch the skin when applying the stencil, because when the paper is removed, the design may appear different than on paper.
Step 5
Remove the stencil paper from the skin carefully. Look at the design that remains on the skin as the paper is removed to verify that the ink has bonded to the deodorant and skin.
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