Things You'll Need
Toilet auger
Rubber glove
Replacement parts as needed

Gerber makes toilet models for home use, such as the Viper, Avalanche and Ultra Flush. Regardless of which model you have, your Gerber toilet can still have problems after the warranty expires. While you might consult a plumber to fix problems like constant clogs or a leaky bowl, chances are you can repair these on your own. Purchasing special tools and replacement parts can help you solve your Gerber toilet issues and save money in labor costs.
Constant Clogs
Step 1
Use a plunger in the bowl to force the water to flush. Place the rubber end directly over the bowl hole and force the plunger straight up and down until the water disappears or significantly lowers.
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Step 2
Put on rubber gloves and reach into the toilet. Feel for any hard objects that may be obstructing the flushing pipe.
Step 3
Place the toilet auger's flexible end into the flushing pipe. Wind the handle until the auger's end reaches the trap, which is where most obstructions are lodged. Adjust the auger as necessary to remove or loosen any obstructions.
Step 4
Remove the toilet's mount bolts and lift it off the ground. Have another person help you. If possible, lean it back so that you can reach into the bowl from underneath to feel for any objects. Run the toilet auger into the floor pipe to locate any obstructions as well.
Leak Outside the Bowl
Step 1
Wipe the leak around the bowl until completely dry. Flush the toilet several times. If water does not leak around the bowl's bottom, then wait for an hour and check again. If there is still no water, the wetness may be condensation and not a leak at all.
Step 2
Examine the inside and outside the bowl for any visible cracks. If you see any, you'll have to replace the whole bowl.
Step 3
Remove the bolt covers at the bottom of the toilet's base. Unscrew the bolts and washers and replace them if they appear to be corroded.
Step 4
Lift the toilet bowl up and examine the wax ring around the flange. Replace it if it's corroded or looks worn. Consider replacing it with a rubber flange gasket, if possible.
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