How to Glue Canvas to PVC

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Things You'll Need

  • Lint-free cloth

  • Water

  • Epoxy or

  • Hot glue

Attach canvas to PVC with the right kind of glue.

If you need to attach canvas to PVC for any reason, it helps to know which kinds of glue to use for the best results. You can make a simple cover for a boat with some easy-to-assemble PVC pipes and canvas, or a small craft that requires you to glue canvas to PVC. The size and purpose of your specific project is what determines which kind of glue would work the best.


Step 1

Clean the surface of the PVC thoroughly with a lint-free cloth and water. You need to remove any dust, dirt or grease that will interfere with the glue sticking to the PVC.

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Step 2

Apply the glue to the PVC where you want to attach it to the canvas. The kind of glue you use depends on the project--if you need the bond to be more flexible, you can use an epoxy like Gorilla Epoxy or E6000 glue. Epoxy is more flexible than hot glue, but is still strong enough to bond PVC to canvas. Hot glue is more appropriate for a small craft that doesn't require much movement. Apply a bead of the glue along the PVC in the center of the area, because the glue will spread when you press the canvas down. After applying the glue, you have about two minutes or less of working time, so you will need to work quickly.


Step 3

Attach the area of the canvas to the glue and press down gently to help the two materials bond. Hold them together for about 30 seconds to make sure the canvas does not slip off the wet glue on the smooth surface of the PVC. Wait at least 24 hours for epoxy to cure completely and about one hour for hot glue to cool and dry completely.


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