How to Convert a Carport Into a Sunroom

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Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape

  • 2-by-4-inch wood beams

  • Drill

  • Windows

Carports are wonderful candidates to be turned into living space. They already have a roof and flooring. Often they have direct access to the house (so you don't have to cut a door) and are wired for electricity. Transforming a carport into a sunroom can be surprisingly easy. Take time to look at pictures of other sunrooms to decide exactly what kind you would like to build.


Step 1

Assess your carport. Does it already have a light fixture? Electrical outlets? Does the roof leak? Is the floor level? The answers to these questions decide how much work it will take to transform your carport into a sunroom. Take detailed measurements of the length of the walls and the height to the roof.


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Step 2

Design your new carport. Order the materials needed. Hire contractors for work you can't do yourself, like installing electrical outlets. Most people will choose floor to ceiling windows to form the walls of their new sunroom.

Step 3

Drill 2-by-4s around the carport where you will be installing the new walls. Do the same under the rafters to provide support for the top of the windows.


Step 4

Place small L-shaped brackets every 6 inches or so along the bottom of the windows. Drill into both the window and the support beam. Repeat for the top of the windows. Repeat this on the exterior of the windows for extra security.

Step 5

Refinish the floor. The carport probably has a cement floor. You can easily stain it a dark color that will hide any stains from its previous life as a carport. The dark, stained floor will give your sunroom a modern, clean look.


Step 6

Decorate your new space. Most converted carports can easily hold a sofa, chair, and a table for eating and games. Add in some storage for items you will use in the room. Make the space cozier with an area rug. Remember this is an indoor/outdoor space, so choose rugged materials. A fan or space heater will help keep the room at the proper temperature.


Sunroom kits are available. Consider hiring a contractor for a professional looking job. Check your local building code to see if you need a permit for the transformation of carport to sunroom. You can use recycled materials, like industrial glass doors, for a cheaper and greener sunroom.


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