How to Use Word to Type Two Wedding Invitations on One Page

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Things You'll Need

  • Computer

  • Microsoft Word

  • Printer

  • Paper or cardstock

Create two wedding invitations on one page in Microsoft Word.

Creating your own wedding invitations can save you time and money. If you're running out of time and have an upcoming wedding, or would prefer to make the invitation cards yourself, use Microsoft Word. This program allows you to place two wedding invitations on one page, which saves paper. You can copy the contents of your first invitation onto the second page without retyping it. Your wedding invitation will appear on separate pages in print preview mode, but will print on a single sheet in the printer.


Step 1

Open a new document in Microsoft Word.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Select "File" and "Page Setup" from the toolbar. Pick the "Margins" tab and select "Landscape" for the orientation. Then click on the drop-down list by "Pages," select "2 pages per sheet" and press "OK."

Step 3

Select an elegant font of your choice and pick italics from the "Formatting" toolbar.

Step 4

Center and type "Mr. & Mrs. First Name Last Name," then replace "First Name" and "Last Name" with the names of the bride's parents.


Step 5

Press the "Return" key to move to the next line. Then center and type "Request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter," or words to that effect, and press the "Return" key again.

Step 6

Center and type in the bride's name, then insert the groom's title and full name beneath it, in the form:


Jane Doe to Mr. John Arthur Smith

Step 7

Press "Enter," then center and type in the wedding date, time and location in the form:

Saturday, the fifth of May two thousand and ten at one o'clock in the afternoon The Jewel Box 111 Some Address Drive Nashville, Tennessee


Step 8

Press "Enter" and add in the reception details. Then press "Enter" again and include the RSVP information.

Step 9

Select the entire page and copy its contents by clicking on "Edit" and "Copy" in the toolbar (shortcut: "Ctrl+C").


Step 10

Deselect the page and place your cursor at the end of the last word on your page. Insert a page break at the cursor by clicking on "Insert," "Break" and "Page Break" in the toolbar (shortcut: "Ctrl+Enter").

Step 11

Paste the contents ("Edit" and "Paste" from toolbar) to the new page you created.


Step 12

Select "File" and "Save" from the toolbar to keep the wedding invitation in your files. Then print out a sample copy and review it by selecting "File" and "Print" from the toolbar.


Video of the Day
