How to Cut a Composite Countertop

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper mask or respirator

  • Safety goggles

  • Pencil or chalk

  • Router saw with carbide blade

  • Trip saw with carbide tip

Composite countertop materials are still fairly new to the market, but are gaining in popularity thanks to their durability and easy-to-repair surfaces. Another benefit of this type of countertop is the simplicity with which you can install it; the cutting of the material is the most difficult step. Cutting composite countertop materials may seem confusing since they are solid all the way through, but it is much less complicated than you may think.


Step 1

Work outdoors on a solid, level surface.

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Step 2

Protect your nose and mouth with a paper mask or respirator so that you do not breath in small particles of the composite material as you cut. Cover your eyes with safety goggles.


Step 3

Plan out the cuts that need to be made to your composite countertops and mark them with a pencil or chalk.

Step 4

Use a router saw with a carbide blade for making larger cuts. Choose a carbide-tipped trip saw to make smaller cuts or to clean of the ends of your composite countertops.


Step 5

Select a moderate speed for your saw that you can easily control. Place the saw against the mark that you made for the cut and apply light to moderate pressure as you cut through the composite material.

Step 6

Carefully clean the prepared composite countertops so that there is no dust or debris remaining.

Step 7

Install your composite countertops as directed by the manufacturer.


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