How to Launder With Citric Acid

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Things You'll Need

  • 1 qt. boiling water

  • Bar of soap

  • Large bucket with lid

  • 2 cups borax

  • 2 cups washing soda

  • 1/2 cup citric acid

  • 2 gallons water

Avoid purchasing high-priced detergents by making your own with citric acid.

Make your lifestyle greener by making your own laundry detergent with citric acid. Laundering with citric acid helps to remove tough residue on clothes. Mixing the citric acid with soap, washing soda and borax powder helps to ensure that your clothes get clean. Using these items will save you money, plus you will be helping the environment. Once you make your own laundry detergent with citric acid, you will want to share the recipe with friends and family members.


Step 1

Place 1 qt. of water into a pot on the stove top. Bring the water to a boil.

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Step 2

Use a grater to cut up a bar of soap. Use a mild soap such as Ivory, and grate it into small pieces.

Step 3

Put the grated soap into the boiling water. Reduce the heat to low and stir until the soap dissolves.

Step 4

Pour the mixture into a large bucket. Be careful not to burn yourself in the process.

Step 5

Add 2 cups of borax to the soap-and-water mixture. Stir until the borax dissolves, then add 2 cups of washing soda and 1/2 cup citric acid. Continue to stir until the dry ingredients dissolve completely.


Step 6

Add 2 gallons of water to the bucket. Stir until the water mixes well with the detergent.

Step 7

Store the bucket in a cool, dry environment. Place a lid over the detergent. To use, add 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. Stir the detergent before each use to mix the ingredients.


You can purchase these ingredients at your local grocery store. If you cannot find citric acid, use plain, unsweetened lemonade mix.


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