How to Remove Sticky Pop Bottle Labels

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Things You'll Need

  • Hair dryer

  • Hot water

  • Cotton ball

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Brush

  • Cooking oil

  • Soap

Remove the label from soda bottles to remove the sticky residue.

Removing sticky soda bottle labels will leave the bottle smooth and residue free. Various methods exist for removing these labels such as using hot water, applying cooking oil or using a hair dryer. Regardless of the method used, removing a soda bottle label does not require a lot of effort. Removing the bottle labels ensures that they can be recycled properly, and it comes in handy for craft projects.


Hair Dryer Method

Step 1

Hold the bottle tightly in one hand.

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Step 2

Turn a hair dryer on high. Hold the hair dryer 10 centimeters from the hair dryer.

Step 3

Move the hair dryer up and down the bottle rapidly. Pull on the label's edge until the glue begins to stop adhering. Remove the label completely from the soda bottle.

Hot Water Method

Step 1

Fill the bottle with enough hot water to the top of the label. Do not get the label itself wet.


Step 2

Place the soda cap on the bottle. Tilt the bottle so that the hot water sits completely against the label. Allow the bottle to rest like this for two to three minutes.

Step 3

Pull one corner of the label from the plastic surface. Pull directly away from the bottle.


Step 4

Keep pulling on the label. Pull on the label using the same angle the whole time. The width of the label will remove easily, and then simply pull straight down to remove the label lengthwise.

Step 5

Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol. Rub the cotton ball on any remaining sticky residue to remove it from the soda bottle.


Cooking Oil Method

Step 1

Use a brush to coat the label with cooking oil.

Step 2

Allow the cooking oil to soak for 24 hours.


Step 3

Peel the label off the soda bottle. Re-coat the label with more cooking oil if it does not remove easily.

Step 4

Cover the sticky residue with cooking oil. Allow the cooking oil to soak overnight.

Step 5

Wipe the oil off the soda bottle. Wash the container with hot water and soap.


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