How Kids Can Create a Brochure

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Things You'll Need

  • 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch typing paper

  • 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch construction paper

  • Scraps of smaller typing and construction paper

  • Pencils

  • Pens

  • Crayons

  • Glue or glue sticks

Little hands can have fun making brochures.

A handmade brochure is a great project for kids, allowing them to practice basic writing, art and communication skills. In the classroom, a brochure can be the final stage of a report. At home your kids can make a brochure for a lemonade stand, family party or other event.


Setup and Layout

Step 1

Fold a piece of typing paper into three sections, each about 3.7 inches wide. This creates a total of six panels for the kids to decorate.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Choose a subject for each panel. The front panel should be "Title," but the others can be what seems appropriate. Some sample subjects might include "Location," "Benefits," "History" and "Description."


Step 3

Supply each panel with a picture or graphic and some text. Try to position the graphic in different locations on each panel. For example, one panel might have the picture on top and text beneath, while another might have the picture in the middle and text on both sides. If you have more than one kid involved, each can take responsibility for one or more panels.


Step 4

Have kids write an appropriate blurb for each text box on their panel. Check the blurb for spelling. Write this blurb on an appropriately-sized piece of paper separate from the actual brochure.

Step 5

Have kids draw, cut out or print an appropriate picture for each graphic box on their panel. You may want to trim or resize pictures to make sure they fit in their appropriate box.


Step 6

Create a title using large letters for the front panel. Kids can hand draw the title, print an interesting font, cut letters out of magazines or anything else that will get the job done.

Final Copy

Step 1

Glue your photos in the appropriate places on each panel of your brochure paper.


Step 2

Have kids make final, pen-and ink copies of their text boxes. Glue the boxes in place.

Step 3

Glue your title text in place on the front panel.

Step 4

Color or decorate any blank spaces on the brochure using whatever art supplies are handy.


Step 5

Duplicate the brochure by making front-and-back copies of it at a local print store. Alternatively, kids can simply hand produce multiple similar or identical copies.


If you have a desktop publishing program, you can conduct all steps of this project electronically. This method makes sharper brochures that are easier to produce. However, it lacks the hands-on art project feel of a handmade brochure.


Video of the Day