How to Make Rabbit Ears Stand Up on a Costume

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Bunny rabbit costumes are popular all year round. They can be used for Halloween parties, Easter plays, and other costumed events. Whatever the occasion, the rabbit ears are essential to making the costume work. It may seem difficult to make rabbit ears that stand up and bend into whatever position you want them to be in. However, as long as you have basic sewing skills and common craft supplies, you can make a pair of bunny ears that will stay in the position you want the whole time the costume is worn.


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Things You'll Need

  • White Felt

  • White Headband

  • Craft Wire

  • Pink Felt

  • Hot Glue Gun

  • Fabric Scissors

  • Sewing Machine

  • Thread

Step 1

Cut out two triangles from the white felt that are each 4 inches wide at the base and 10 inches tall in the middle.

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Step 2

Cut out two triangles from the white felt that are each 2 inches wide at the base and 8 inches tall in the middle.

Step 3

Hot glue the pink triangles to the middle of each white triangle.


Step 4

Hem the outside of each ear 1/2 an inch all the way around, leaving a 1 inch gap in each hem at the bottom of the ear.

Step 5

Thread some craft wire through the hem in each ear, using the 1 inch gaps. Twist the two ends of the wire together and hand stitch the 1 inch openings closed.


Step 6

Fold the bottom of each ear up against the back of the ear about 1 inch. Using the folds, hot glue each ear to the outside of the headband.


You may substitute another natural color in place of white, such as brown or gray.

