How to Display Fruit Kabobs

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Things You'll Need

  • Fruit

  • Bamboo skewers

  • Vase or basket (bouquet display)

  • Styrofoam (optional-bouquet display)

  • Extra melon or pineapple (pineapple or melon display)

  • Tray (tray display)

  • Lettuce or kale (tray display)

Presenting fruit kabobs in a creative way can take your kabobs from average to impressive. Kabobs can be arranged in a vase or basket like flowers, inserted into pineapple or melon for a sculpture-like display or arranged on a platter with a lettuce or kale garnish. Kabobs can be served on their own or with chocolate, yogurt sauce or even spicy dipping sauces. Any way you serve them, fruit kabobs are a simple, healthy dish that everyone will enjoy.


Step 1

Decide what type of display you want to make. If you want your kabobs to look like a flower bouquet, find a basket or vase to hold the arrangement. If you want to incorporate more fruit into the presentation consider using an extra pineapple or melon to hold the skewers. This approach will yield a larger display, because the skewers will stick out from the melon in all directions. For a simpler presentation you can line a tray with lettuce and stack the kabobs on top.


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Step 2

Remove any stems or peels from the fruit. Trimmed fruit will enhance the look of your display and make your kabobs easier to eat.


Step 3

Assemble your fruit kabobs on long bamboo skewers. To display your skewers using an extra pineapple or melon, leave three or four inches at one end of the skewer where the kabob can be inserted into the melon.


Bouquet Display

Step 1

Choose a vase or basket to hold your fruit kabobs. Kabobs are larger than flower stems, so pick a container with a wide opening.


Step 2

Assemble the kabobs in the vase like you would a bouquet of flowers. Stand the center kabobs vertically, and angle the outside kabobs so your bouquet looks round and full. If you have trouble keeping your skewers in place, put a piece of Styrofoam in the bottom of your vase and insert the skewers into the Styrofoam for stability.



Step 3

Garnish visible skewer tips with extra grapes or berries and place your bouquet on the serving table.


Pineapple or Melon Displays

Step 1

Prepare your melon or pineapple for use. You can use a whole melon, or you can cut the melon in half so the flat side rests on a tray for more stability. You can also place the top of a pineapple above a skewered melon, which gives the appearance of a pineapple without having to push skewers through the tough pineapple skin. For this approach, remove the top of a pineapple and use a whole cantaloupe or honeydew melon.


Step 2

Insert your skewers into the melon at even intervals over the entire surface. Push at least two inches of the skewer into the display so the kabob is securely anchored. Start around the bottom of the melon and use the lowest skewers to stabilize your display so it does not roll away. See the fruit kabob display in the resources section for an example of a skewered pineapple.


Step 3

Garnish your display with the pineapple top, or place berries or other whole fruit around your finished melon. If you are serving a lot of kabobs and your melon can't hold them all, consider combining a melon display with a simple tray presentation.

Tray Displays

Step 1

Line a clean, dry tray with lettuce or kale. Choose flat leaves to cover the entire bottom of the tray.

Step 2

Stack the kabobs over the lettuce in an appealing way. Try layering the skewers at an angle, straight on or in a pyramid.

Step 3

Garnish the tray with whole strawberries, melon slices or mint leaves.


Make sure your guests have access to a trash can to dispose of their finished skewers.

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