How to Make Kippered Beef Steak

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Things You'll Need

  • 5 tbsp. freshly ground pepper

  • 3/4 cup soy sauce

  • 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 tbsp. garlic powder

  • 1 tsp. hot sauce of your choice

  • 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar

  • 2 pounds chuck roast or flank steak

  • Gas grill

  • Wood chips for smoking

  • Canola oil

Often, beef jerky and kippered beef are considered to be one and the same. Actually, jerky is usually dried in smaller strips and not smoked. The word "kippered" refers to the way the food is preserved. Most kippered beef is smoked and not as dried out as jerky. The slices can be rather thick and slightly more moist than jerky.


Prep the Marinade, Meat and Grill

Step 1

In a large plastic bowl, mix the pepper, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, hot sauce and vinegar.

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Step 2

Slice the beef into strips about 3/4 inch to 1 inch wide. These strips will be much thicker than the strips you would cut for jerky. Place the strips into the marinade and leave in the bowl overnight.

Step 3

Grease your gas grill with a towel soaked in vegetable or canola oil.

Step 4

Place the wood chips in a foil pan on top of the heating elements of your grill. Light grill to the lowest temperature--150 to 200 degrees for cooking kippered beef is ideal.


Step 5

Carefully lay the meat slices on the hot grill, allowing space between them.

Step 6

Smoke and cook the meat for up to six to eight hours. The edges will be crusty brown and the inside of the strip will still retain a small amount of moisture.


Consider adding other spices to your marinade such as onion powder, cayenne pepper, thyme or even cinnamon.


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