How to Dehydrate Pineapple

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Things You'll Need

  • Large knife

  • Pineapple

  • Small knife

  • Food dehydrator

  • Airtight container

  • Baking sheets or drying trays

Unlike most sugary treats, dehydrated pineapple is a good source of essential nutrients like iron and potassium. Choose from two ways to dehydrate a fresh pineapple -- with a food dehydrator or in your oven. The process takes time, but doesn't require specialized skills or much hands-on work. Enjoy the dehydrated fruit in trail mix, in baked goods or as a simple, natural substitute for artificially sweetened commercial snack foods.


In a Dehydrator

Step 1

Use a sharp knife to cut off the bottom and top of each pineapple you plan to dehydrate. Cut off the peel from each side of the pineapple and discard.


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Step 2

Lay the pineapple on its side and cut it into slices that are 3/8- to 1/2-inch thick, taking care to make each slice of uniform thickness. Use a small, sharp knife to remove and discard the core from each slice.


Step 3

Put the prepared pineapple slices in a single layer in the food dehydrator, making sure the slices do not touch or overlap. Dehydrate at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for six hours.


Step 4

Remove one of the pineapple slices and tear it in half. Replace the pineapple if you see moisture accumulate on the fruit where it was torn. Continue dehydrating for up to six more hours, tearing and checking the fruit about every hour.


Step 5

Remove the pineapple slices from the dehydrator after a torn slice does not show moisture at the tear site. Allow the pineapple to cool completely and store the slices in an airtight container.



In the Oven

Step 1

Turn the oven to its lowest setting, preferably 140 degrees Fahrenheit.


Step 2

Cut off the top, bottom and peel of the pineapple. Slice the flesh into thin slices and remove the core from each.


Step 3

Arrange the pineapple slices on baking sheets or oven-safe drying racks so that they don't touch. Place the sheets or racks in the oven, positioning them so that there is at least 1 1/2 inches between each.

Step 4

Leave the oven door slightly ajar. Allow the pineapple to dry for six hours, turning the fruit slices over every three or four hours. Check the slices for your desired level of dryness.

Step 5

Remove the pineapple slices from the oven and allow them to cool completely. Store the dehydrated pineapple in an airtight container.


Store dehydrated pineapple in a dry, cool location out of direct light for as long as a year, if the temperature remains about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. To keep the pineapple longer, put it in a labeled, airtight container in the freezer.


Dried fruit like dehydrated pineapple is better for you than sugar-rich candies because of its nutrient content, but eating too much may increase your risk of cavities. Eat more fresh than dried fruit, and try to brush your teeth or consume an alkaline food like cheese after eating dehydrated pineapple.


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