How to Clean an Iron in Three Easy Steps

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Image Credit: Beth Huntington

We've all been there: gliding your iron over a freshly cleaned shirt, hoping for that perfect finish, only to leave behind unsightly marks from the bottom of the iron or, worse, ruining a favorite piece of clothing. It's frustrating, to say the least.


Before you consider tossing out your iron, we've got good news: With a few simple household items, you can breathe new life into your iron, making its bottom surface glide smoothly once again and its interior clean as the day you bought it.

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Video: How to Clean an Iron

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda

  • Distilled water

  • Plastic spoon

  • Soft toothbrush

  • Soft cloth

  • White vinegar

  • Q-tips

  • Ice cubes and pan (optional)

  • Measuring cup with spout

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

1. Clean the soleplate

Make sure your iron is unplugged, for safety. Combine 2 parts baking soda with 1 part distilled water to form a paste.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Spread the paste onto the iron's soleplate with a plastic spoon or spatula. Gently brush the soleplate with with a soft toothbrush to remove scale and debris.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Wipe off excess paste with a soft cloth.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

2. Clean the vent holes

Make another batch of the baking soda paste (or use any left over from the last step), adding some distilled white vinegar.



Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Dip the toothbrush into the solution and scrub out each vent hole in the iron's soleplate.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington


For stubborn debris, try dipping a Q-tip in straight vinegar and gently inserting it into the vent holes.

Alternative method to cleaning the vent holes

Here's an optional alternative method to clean vent holes: Plug in the iron, turn it on, and let it heat up. Then turn it off, unplug it, and place it directly on a bed of ice cubes in a pan or baking dish. Leave it there for several minutes. The sudden change in temperature can help loosen any remaining gunk.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

When the holes are cleared, wipe the soleplate with a cloth.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Clean the inside of the iron.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Mix 1 part distilled white vinegar and 1 part distilled water in a measuring cup or other container with a spout. Pour the solution into the iron's water reservoir. The vinegar dissolves mineral deposits that have built up over time.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Plug in the iron and set it to the hottest steam setting.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Once heated, run the iron over a towel or cloth while pressing the steam release button. The steam will push out lingering gunk and minerals from the reservoir through the vents. Continue this process until the steam comes out clean. Turn off the iron and let it cool completely, then drain any remaining water-vinegar solution from the reservoir.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Wipe the sole plate and rest of the iron with a slightly damp cloth for a final cleanup.
