If you have a cat or especially if you have multiple cats, you are familiar with kitty litter and the process involved in keeping the box clean. You probably have litter containers lying around that can be recycled into this efficient, clean and easy-to-make litter scoop.

Things You'll Need
Empty litter container
Square or straight edge
Marking pen
Xacto knife or utility knife
Duct tape
Litter bags
Rubber band

Step 1: Mark the Container
Remove the label from the container.

Using a square or straight edge, draw a line at a 45 degree angle from the corner where the handle sits to the opposite corner, ending about 1 inch from the base of the container.

Draw another line parallel to the edge of the container about 1 inch from the edge.

Draw a final line along the base of the container at the natural end of the flat space.

Turn the container over and repeat the process.
Step 2: Cut Along the Lines
Cut along the lines on both sides of the container, using an Xacto knife or a utility knife.

Step 3: Tape Sides
Cut a strip of duct tape longer than the bottom edge of the container. Place the tape along the side of the cut edge.

Fold up the side with the tape attached to meet the 45 degree angle cut, and tape in place.

Trim the tape to length.

Turn the container over and repeat the taping process on the other side.
Step 4: Cut the Sifting Slits
Turn the litter scoop upside down. Starting about halfway down the container, cut slits in the bottom flat side following the ribbed indentions formed in the container.

Step 5: Attach the Bag
Remove the container lid and tie a litter bag around the opening.

Add a rubber band to help secure the bag in place.

Step 6: Using the Litter Scoop
Use the scoop by sifting the litter clumps through the slits and then tilt the scoop upward, allowing the clumps to fall into the litter bag.

Step 7: Disposal
Pull the bag from the opening and tie off with the rubber band. Properly dispose of the bag in a trash can.

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