How to Remove a Hose on a Bissell ProHeat

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How to Remove a Hose on a Bissell ProHeat
Image Credit: Liudmila Chernetska/iStock/GettyImages

When selecting a Bissell carpet cleaner for your home, consider one of the ProHeat models designed to act as a general carpet cleaner and a powerful machine to clean up after your pets. Bissell ProHeat cleaners have a hose attachment to help you clean smaller areas like stairs and upholstery. The hose attachment is easy to use and remove.


Bissell ProHeat 2x: How To Use Hose

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Using and removing the hose is simple on a Bissell ProHeat. There may be some slight differences between models, so you can get specific instructions for your cleaner in the user manual.

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To use the hose of the Bissell ProHeat 2x, begin by returning your Bissell carpet cleaner to the upright position. Lift the cover of the accessory hose door located on top of the foot of the unit. The door opens towards the upright part of the machine. Remove the hose from the accessory bag and insert the hose, ensuring that the colored release clip is facing outward.


Attach the accessory to the other end of the hose. Pull the trigger on the accessory to apply cleaner and release the trigger to suck up the dirty water from the carpet.

How to Remove the Hose

When you are done cleaning with the hose attachment of your Bissell carpet cleaner, remove the hose before storing the unit. Get a bowl of clean water and use the hose attachment to suck up the water from the bowl. This will flush out the hose before storing it.


Then, squeeze the colored latch at the base of the hose and pull it free from the unit. Close the cover on the foot of the ProHeat unit. Remove the attachment from the other end of the hose and leave the hose and attachment out to air dry. Once it is completely dry, you can roll up the hose and store it in the included mesh storage bag.


Other Bissell ProHeat Models

The ProHeat essential carpet cleaner does not have a removable hose. The hose remains attached to the machine and when you want to use a hose attachment, you simply adjust the dial on top of the foot of the machine to the "Tools" setting. Be sure to check the product label for your model to best understand how to use the hose and attachment tools.


Cleaning Tips and Considerations

Having a full-size Bissell carpet cleaner is ideal for homes with pets and young children. However, carpet cleaners can be difficult to maneuver in smaller corners and on stairs and upholstery. This is where the hose attachment comes in handy.


In some models, including the Bissell ProHeat 2x Revolution, the spinning brush on the main unit will continue to spin, even when the hose attachment is in use. Make sure the unit stays upright and take care not to place it on the edge of a rug or other area that may be damaged by the spinning brushes.


Keep the hose attachment close to the carpet and even press against the carpet while spraying the cleaner. This ensures that the cleaner fully soaks the fibers of the carpet, rather than reaching just the surface of the carpet.

