Things You'll Need
Skirt suit
Beige trench coat
Dark sunglasses
Construction paper
Toilet paper or paper towel roll
Dark dress shoes
Magnifying glass

Girls with knack for international espionage can dress up with a quick girl spy costume made up with a few items from around the house. Children and parents should look at films, such as "James Bond" or "Spy Kids" as a reference for this costume. Most girls can wear fancy dress items from their closet or an older sister and use spy accessories to complete the look.
Step 1

Dress your girl in a skirt suit, or a matching jacket and knee-length skirt. Spies are generally well dressed. A simple black dress may also be worn.
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Step 2

Put a beige colored trench coat over the suit. The trench is the classic spy coat. Place a simple hat on, too. Instruct your girl to wear dark sunglasses.
Step 3

Draw a round watch face on construction paper to make a spy watch using markers. Add the numbers and any gadgets with marker. Cut it out.
Step 4
Cut out a 2-inch ring from a toilet paper or paper towel roll. Glue the watch face flat onto the ring so it looks like a watch. Snip the ring on the opposite side of the watch face so your child can wear the watch like a cuff.
Step 5
Instruct your girl to wear dark-colored dress shoes. Carry a magnifying glass to complete the spy girl costume.
Construct a magnifying glass with the leftover cardboard roll. Cut out a circle from cardboard and then cut out another circle in its center. Tape this "O" shape on one end of the cardboard roll.
Girls can also wear black pants and a long-sleeved black shirt instead of the suit. If she chooses this outfit, boots can be worn.
Use caution carrying toy guns. Other people may not know the gun is just a toy.
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