How to Make a Tractor From Diapers

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Things You'll Need

  • Empty wrapping paper roll

  • Diapers (50 to 60)

  • Ribbon, 1 inch wide

  • Clear tape

  • Small or medium-size plastic basket

  • Baby items (baby soaps, pacifiers, bottles, rattles, teethers)

  • Baby blanket

  • Straight pins

  • Yellow pompoms

  • Receiving blanket

Turn a bag of diapers into a tractor filled with baby gifts.

Diaper cakes have become a popular baby shower gift in recent years. They are made from tiers of rolled diapers, held together with ribbons. A diaper tractor is a variation of a traditional diaper cake and makes a creative gift and centerpiece at a baby shower. The tractor is made from diaper roll wheels, a basket full of baby goodies and a few other odds and ends. You can customize the tractor to make it as large or as small as you like and fill it with just a few extra items. A group of guests at a shower can also pool money together and make a large diaper tractor and fill it with a multitude of items to get the new mother off to a good start.


Step 1

Cut an empty wrapping paper roll in half. Wrap a diaper around one end of one of the pieces like a jellyroll. Wrap eight to 10 diapers around that diaper. Wrap a large piece of ribbon around the diaper roll and tape the ribbon ends together.

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Step 2

Build another tire at the opposite end of the wrapping paper roll and then repeat the step to make two tires on the other piece of the wrapping paper roll.

Step 3

Fill a small or medium-size plastic basket with baby items, such as soaps, rattles, washcloths and other small gifts. Wrap a baby blanket around the basket and use sewing pins to hold the blanket ends. Place the basket on top of the four diaper tires. Move the tires as necessary to support the basket.


Step 4

Tape two large yellow pompoms onto the left and right at one end of the blanket-covered basket to make the tractor's headlights.

Step 5

Stack about 10 diapers on top of each other and wrap the stack in a receiving blanket. Pin the edges of the blanket in place to keep the diapers covered. Place the stack on top of one set of diaper wheels to make the back of the tractor.


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