How Long Should I Bake a Chicken at 300 Degrees?

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It is important to cook chicken until thoroughly done to avoid illness.
Image Credit: Liv Friis-Larsen/iStock/Getty Images

Bake Chicken at 350 Degrees Fahrenheit

Image Credit: Christa Brunt/iStock/Getty Images

Due to the possibility of salmonella, it is important to cook chicken until completely done. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends cooking a 3 to 4 lb. broiler or fryer at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours.


Bake Chicken at 300 Degrees Fahrenheit

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Cook it until the internal temperature of the thigh’s thickest portion reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
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If you bake chicken at 300 degrees Fahrenheit, cook it until the internal temperature of the thigh's thickest portion reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit and juices run clear.


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Bottom Line

180 degrees Farenheit
Image Credit: Bo Insogna/iStock/Getty Images

All types of poultry, regardless of size or weight, must cook to an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit throughout to be safe.


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