High school reunions may bring back fond memories of yesteryear as you catch up with classmates you haven't seen in decades. You may experience feelings of sadness when learning about former classmates who've since passed away. Remembering your deceased classmates at your high school reunion with a series of memorials will help to include their memories in the festivities.
Memorial Garden
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Planting a memorial garden is a thoughtful way to remember classmates who've passed on. After obtaining permission from school officials to create a memorial garden on school grounds, hold a flower planting ceremony in the morning of the reunion, before the mid-day heat sets in. You may want to plant perennials instead of annuals for easier maintenance. Add a bench in the garden to allow people sit and reflect while admiring the landscape. You may also want to secure a plaque on the bench as a subtle reminder of the garden's importance.
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Media Presentation
Putting together a media presentation to play at your reunion will help to pay tribute to former classmates who are no longer with you. You may want to create a video or a montage of still photographs. Approach the family members of the deceased and ask them to provide photos of their loved ones during various stages of their life. When creating a video, interview classmates about their favorite memories of the those you're memorializing.
Prayer Service
Have a pastor or minister from an non-denominational church lead a prayer service in memory of your lost classmates before dinner portion of the reunion. You could incorporate this prayer service with the traditional saying of Grace. In conjunction with the brief service, set up a table with the names and photos of the classmates being memorialized. Invite classmates attending the reunion to write their thoughts and feelings in a memory book. Consider extending an invitation to the family of those being remembered so they can feel a part of the reunion.
Creating a scholarship or a series of small bursaries in the name of your deceased classmates is a symbolic way to honor them and keep their memories alive.To ensure that you have enough money to award the scholarship year after year to graduating students of your former high school, you will need to create a healthy financial fund for your charitable endeavor. As part of your high school reunion activities, organize charitable fund-raising events such as a golf tournament, raffle or a silent auction for the sole purpose of funding the scholarship or bursaries.