How to Change the Greeting on Your Voice Mail - Verizon Wireless

By Editorial Team

Updated September 28, 2017

Add a personal greeting in a quiet room.
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Change your voice mail greeting from the standard greeting to something more personal. Verizon Wireless allows you to access your voice mail directly from your cell phone. Once you call in, listen closely to the directions.

Complete the voice mail setup process.

On your Verizon Wireless handset, dial "*86" and press "Send."

Enter your voice mail password.

Select option "4" for "Personal Options" from the main menu.

Select option "3" for "Greeting or Recorded Name."

Select option "1" to "Change Personal Greeting."

Select option "3" for "Personal Greeting - Record your own greeting."

Record your message and press "#" to stop the recording.

Listen to the replay of your message. If you are happy with the way it sounds, press "#." If you wish to rerecord the message, press "*."


Other options are available if you don't want to record your own voice greeting. Choose another option if you prefer recorded messages.
