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How to Clean Scale From Drain Pipes

Irene A. Blake

Certain chemicals and minerals in water often form hard and crusty, chalk-like deposits, or "scale," on surfaces such as the openings and interiors of drain pipes. The amount of cleaning required to remove scale depends on the amount of mineral and other particles in the water and the amount of drain pipe cleaning you perform on a regular basis. Cleaning drain pipes of scale, requires that you treat the pipes at least once monthly with a homemade cleaning solution or commercial drain pipe scale removal product that contains ingredients that break up or dissolve deposits.

  1. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot or dipper.

  2. Put on a pair of gloves and remove any debris such as food or hair from the drain pipe opening.

  3. Pour the first pot/dipper of boiled water down the drain and wait 10 minutes.

  4. Heat 2 cups of white vinegar in a pot.

  5. Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda into the drain opening, put on a mask and then pour the white vinegar into the opening. Wait 20 to 40 minutes. While waiting, boil another 4 cups of water.

  6. Flush the drain with the boiled water.

  7. Repeat a second time if necessary.